How it all started...
Our church not only bears the name “reconciliation,” we embody it in our history and life. We emerged from a 51 year old congregation that desired to meet the challenge of being a predominantly Anglo-American congregation in a neighborhood that has transitioned into a predominantly African-American community. To meet this challenge the congregation decided to “stay and change.”
In the New Testament, the word “reconciliation” comes from a Greek family of words that have its roots in the word “allassō” which means, “change” or “exchange.” Reconciliation involves a change in relationship between God and humanity, or people amongst each other. Reconciliation restores harmony and fellowship in a relationship where there has been hostility and brokenness.
In the New Testament, the word “reconciliation” comes from a Greek family of words that have its roots in the word “allassō” which means, “change” or “exchange.” Reconciliation involves a change in relationship between God and humanity, or people amongst each other. Reconciliation restores harmony and fellowship in a relationship where there has been hostility and brokenness.
Expanding the vision...
Reconciliation Church is a model and symbol of hope for churches everywhere desiring to effectively reach their community with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Before reconciliation we were powerless, ungodly, sinners, and enemies of God under His wrath (Rom. 5:6-11). Because of change or reconciliation we have become a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” (2 Cor. 5:17).
Before reconciliation we were powerless, ungodly, sinners, and enemies of God under His wrath (Rom. 5:6-11). Because of change or reconciliation we have become a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” (2 Cor. 5:17).
Where we are headed...
Church transition and ministry transformation is in our DNA. We will not only become a church that plants new churches, but will also be an ecclesiastical agent of church revitalization. We believe that there is just as much a need to strengthen existing churches as there is a need to plant new ones.
God has given us a passion to see existing congregations reimagine how the ministry of the gospel and discipleship could look in a new cultural context. Therefore, we are committed to both church planting and church watering as we trust and depend upon God to give the increase.
Please pray for us as we follow the Holy Spirit’s leading on a journey to reach the world through Christ Jesus who is Lord of all.
God has given us a passion to see existing congregations reimagine how the ministry of the gospel and discipleship could look in a new cultural context. Therefore, we are committed to both church planting and church watering as we trust and depend upon God to give the increase.
Please pray for us as we follow the Holy Spirit’s leading on a journey to reach the world through Christ Jesus who is Lord of all.

Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 10am